22 Following

From a mess to the masses

Currently reading

The Bitter Kingdom
Rae Carson
The Divine Comedy
Eugenio Montale, Sandro Botticelli, Peter Armour, Dante Alighieri, Allen Mandelbaum
Night Watch
Andrew Bromfield, Sergei Lukyanenko
Hemlock Grove - Brian McGreevy 3.5
Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas
Variant - Robison Wells 3.5
Yo Fui Chofer De Dillinger - Héctor Concari 3.5
The False Prince - Jennifer A. Nielsen speechless.
Pivot Point - Kasie West I love it, I love it, I love it, It's freaking flawless
Beta - Rachel Cohn I was going to rate this with 4 stars, then with 3 because some of the twists in the last chapters made me hate itlike: she's freaking pregnant and Alexander "imprinted" on her? really? c'mon!, but in general the story is pretty unique and entertaining so... 3.5 stars.
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3) - George R.R. Martin OH!
Prodigy - Marie Lu This book is so perfect it hurts! It was more than I expected and definitely one of the best second parts of a trilogy :')
Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi 4 stars just for Warner
Rebel Heart - Moira Young 4.5 (I was going to rate it 4 because of the lack of Jack but I love Demalo so he covered it
Destroy Me - Tahereh Mafi WARNER, I CHOOSE YOU!
Insignia - S.J. Kincaid WHEN IS THE SEQUEL COMING OUT????? OMG! I WANT TO MARRY THIS BOOK! I think it's my favorite dystopian book now! everything about this story is fantastic!
Monsters of Men: Chaos Walking: Book Three - Patrick Ness perfect ending
The Forsaken - Lisa M. Stasse I am not going to lie, at first the cover drew me to read this book and when I read the summary I was like Whoa! That’s interesting! Eh, I finally learned that everything that shines isn't gold. I think the main problem is Stasse's writing style because when I began to read the prologue it didn't feel very convincing. I kept reading but the narration and the dialogues were bland. The summary led me to believe that Alenna was going to be a badass, I was so excited for that… well, she isn’t. I didn't care for any of the characters in it, except maybe David. For moments I thought I wasn't going to finish the book.. The "romance" in this story was one of the things that made me dislike it more, it's so fake, I mean, you can't fall in love with someone you barely know, less in the condition they were in the wheel. Plus the triangle was unnecessary. The only events that I wasn’t expecting were the part when we discover the monk’s identity and the real situation in the island. There is something that is bugging me, though. How could the monk control the minds of the drones when the pills that the UNA gave to them for the same purpose did not work? The story has great potential just needs to be rewritten..
This is Not a Test - Courtney Summers “I’m just waiting for the rest of me to catch up.”Holy alkjfhskldhjgslghj I don't even have the words to describe how AWESOME this book is!